Can I do this ?

作者(来源):杨红欢    发布时间:2009-10-20

   Can I do this ?



陶行知先生说过: “千教万教教人求真,千学万学学做真人。简单一句话道出了教育的真谛。"教人求真"是基础教育的根本目的,学做真人是基础教育的最佳结果。欲成才,必先成"",成为社会需要的"真人"。《小学德育纲要》指出:各学科是向学生进行思想品德教育最经常的途径。

作为英语教师在英语教学的同时要关注孩子情感的成长,在教学中渗透人际关系、思想品质、爱国主义和社会主义等方面的教育。找准机会渗透: 适宜渗透、适时渗透、适度渗透。也就是说教师具备信息敏感度,善于捕捉教育契机,发挥教育机智,合理开发教学资源,在组织活动中进行无痕渗透和有目的培养,使孩子在学习英语的同时收获品格教育。


牛津教材5A Module 1-Unit1 Can I do this ?教学内容是有关遵守交通规则的知识,教学前我整合了牛津教材2A中有关交通主题的内容。在教学前,我让学生观看了一段媒体,内容是这样的:Ben Kitty到公园去玩,在过马路的时候,Ben乱穿红灯,Kitty劝阻Ben,但Ben认为马路上来往车辆并不多,无所谓。

Kitty:  Today is Saturday. Look, the sun is shining. Lets go to the park.

Ben:  OK.

Kitty:  Look, there is the red man. Dont cross the road.

Ben:    Dont worry. There are no cars or buses on the road.

Lets go.

Ben crosses the road, but Kitty doesnt cross the road.

Kitty: Oh, theres the green man, I can cross the road.

媒体观看完毕后,我进行相关的词汇和句型教学,如:traffic light, stop,wait,cross ,the red man, the green man. Look! There is the red man. Dont cross the road. Look, there is the green man. Cross the road. Look !The traffic light’s yellow .Wait ! 新授完毕,在post –task中,我请学生表演,其余的学生思考:

How can we cross the road? Who is right ? Why ?


Theres the red man. Ben cant cross the road. It’s dangerous.

Kitty is right.

Theres the green man. They can cross the road.

我接着问学生,How should  we do at the traffic light ?


If theres the red man. We cant cross the road. It’s dangerous.

If theres the green man. We can cross the road. It’s safety.


图-1:Theres the red man. Eddie crosses the road.

图-2:Theres the green man. Alice crosses the road.

图-3:The traffic light is yellow. Peter crosses the road.

图-4:Theres the red man. Wendy doesnt cross the road.

S1: Eddie cant cross the road. Because theres the red man.

S2: Alice can cross the road. Because theres the green man.

S3: Peter cant cross the road. Because the traffic light is yellow.


T: If the traffic lights yellow, we must wait! We cant cross the road. 学生学习说Wait!

S4: Wendy is right. She can cross the road. Because theres the green man.

T: We must obey the traffic rules. If theres the red man, you cross the road, you are very dangerous! There are many buses and cars on the road.

学生们扩展学习:Obey the rules. Keep our life safety.




这一课的内容很贴近学生的生活实际,很多学生每天上学都要过马路,其中不乏乱穿马路者,通过这课的学习,学生们有了这样的意识:Theres the red man. Dont cross the road. The traffic lights yellow. We must wait! Theres the green man. Cross the road. We can go . 学生们通过这课的学习,不仅学会了如何用英语来表达,更学会了如何正确过马路。同时,老师向他们介绍西方国家的人是如何过马路的,即是对他们进行文明法制教育,也是对他们所学知识的巩固,这无疑也是对他们进行了一次思想品德的教育。



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